1950 - 1955
Damart was founded by brothers Joseph, Paul and Jules Despature who had a fabrics business in Roubaix in the North of France.
They had the idea of designing thermal underwear using chlorofibre, a synthetic fibre which proved very effective against cold and moisture.
It was first tested at Nanterre hospital on people suffering from rheumatism, and after successful results, they launched Thermolactyl – a unique man-made material that could provide warmth without the need for bulky layers.
Damart’s first mail order catalogue was published in 1953 and marked the beginning of their success story.

1960 - 1965
In 1959 Damart’s Thermawear was tested in temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees during an international expedition, 200 miles inside the Arctic Circle!
Medical and scientific experts from three nations, lived amongst the Eskimos near the glaciers and sailed through icebergs, all the time wearing Damart Thermawear.
The expedition brought positive proof that Damart Thermawear really did make a remarkable contribution to warmth and health, even when faced with the worst weather conditions experienced by man.

1965 - 1970
Damart launched in the UK, opening their headquarters in Bingley, West Yorkshire in 1967.

1970 - 1975
In France, Damart’s slogan which translated as “Cold, me? Never!” soon became inseparable from the brand thanks to pioneering TV advertising.
Damart’s image then moved away from one of a medical brand, to a brand offering thermal clothing for all. By this point, with over 1 million products sold, Damart soon became the market leader in thermal clothing.
Damart sponsored Doug Haston and Doug Scott on their Everest expedition in September 1974, where they reached the summit whilst kitted out in Damart thermals.

1980 - 1985
Following the success of Thermolactyl, Damart continued to innovate and turned their attention to footwear.
They developed comfortable shoes with inbuilt cushions of air in the insoles, to give the wearer the feeling of walking on air with every step!
Damart underwear also featured in the James Bond book “Ice Breaker” in 1983.

1985 - 1990
Damart engineers created bespoke Thermolactyl equipment for the 60 day expedition of a French explorer who crossed the ice on foot to reach the North Pole, facing temperatures of - 60oC!

1990 - 1995
On the 12th September 1991 the late Princess Diana visited the Damart UK head office in Bingley, West Yorkshire for a grand tour of the company.
During her visit, palace staff stocked up on thermal underwear from the shop, for her to wear during winter! Princess Diana herself revealed she kept warm in freezing weather by wearing fashionable thermal underwear saying “I’m like a walking advertisement for Damart”.
It was a true testament to the quality of Damart thermals, that they were considered good enough for royalty!

1995 - 2000
Damart innovation continued with the development of Amortyl, a clever shock absorber for footwear.
In 2013, the range expanded with new moulded hiking shoes that were both high-tech and ultra-comfortable.

2000 - 2005
Damart developed Climatyl fabric which boasted triple effect technology to be waterproof, windproof & breathable.
This was also the time Damart began its partnership with the charity Breast Cancer Campaign. Each year since Damart has designed a pink thermal vest and donated the profits to the charity. Nell McAndrew was the first celebrity to model the vest in 2002 and in the years that followed the celebrity vest models included Beverley Knight, Nastasha Kaplinsky and Sally Dynevor. To date Damart has raised in excess of £167,317 for Breast Cancer Campaign.

2005 - 2010
Based on the latest advances in textile, Damart developed the first slimming trousers in 2006. This innovative fabric was used to create Lineastyl which included underwear, ready-to-wear and sportswear.
In 2008 Damart launched Damart Sport, offering technical and innovative sports clothing. Four world champions became ambassadors of Damart Sport; Brian Joubert, Helen Cazier, Christine Arron and Vincent Vittoz.
In association with Support Our Soldiers, Damart also helped the British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan by donating its famous thermals, almost 10,000 sets were sent to keep them warm.

2010 - 2015
After 5 years of research, Damart developed their Ocealis technology, the first bioactive textile which interacts with the body to regulate body heat. This innovation is protected under a European patent.
Damart is 60 years old and its innovative Ocealis technology becomes commercialised. The Body Activ 3, a must-have for winter sports, is exhibited in Paris as part of Futurotextiles exhibition.